FAQs / Forum Community
What is the Tralonet Forum?
Here at we actively encourage the community spirit and value any and all contributions that enrich the users’ experience. The Tralonet forum is a place for questions and answers where users form their own support communities and help each other on travel-related topics. It is part of, a content platform for globetrotters that helps users plan trips, vacations, holidays and any kind of journey and adventure. The platform offers an opportunity for travelers to find out what they need about their planned destinations, including the best travel deals, vacation packages, accommodation, tours, and cultural experiences, recommended by fellow travelers or 

What kind of questions can be posted on the Tralonet Forum?
This forum is designed to be a friendly interactive place where you can get a fast answer from the community of globetrotters and travel industry experts to all your travel-related questions. Our policy is to only allow the ‘Question and Answer’ format and we do not tolerate any commercial type of content or spam. If you want to learn about how to book your holiday, flight, or cruise, or you need to ask about a specific feature of your destination, then this is the place for you. 

We want to focus only on niche content then enhance the travelling experience and adds value to our audience of users.

What kind of questions are not encouraged on the Tralonet Forum?
We will not tolerate any content that in its nature is against our key values and guidelines

  • Non-commercial - all content should be generated by travelers and for travelers. Any content that is related to achieving commercial goals and incites to exchange of money for goods, services, surveys or any other such activity will be removed. 
  • Helpful and relevant - the intention of our forums is to create a community that offers help and support. The content you provide should be based on your own honest or expert opinion and should not be plagiarized. You should always strive to stay on topic. 

  • Respect for others - you should not post libelous, defamatory, harassing, or threatening content. Also, you must not post pornographic, lewd, or obscene content and should avoid nudity. Respect others’ privacy be polite and do not try to drown or disregard in any way the opinion of others. If you disagree with content posted by others, please express your opinion in a respectful, considerate, and non-threatening way, using facts and avoiding name-calling or any impolite and inappropriate behavior
Who will answer my questions on the Tralonet Forum?
Once you post your relevant travel-related question, it will become visible to all forum users. Anyone who has experience or expertise on the subject, can respond to your question as long as they do so in adherence to our guidelines.  If our team believe that your question is a topic that is relevant to many other people in our traveler community, we will go as far as outsourcing it to the best subject matter expert to give a well-researched and thorough answer to help our community. 

How long does it normally take to receive an answer to my question?
It is difficult to give an accurate estimate of when someone might be able to answer your questions as it really depends on the topic, the destination, the time the question was posted and many other factors. However, based on our experience, we expect that a question will get at least one answer within 24 hours of posting.  Our community is quite active, and it consists of individuals who are invested in helping each other with a passion for travel and innate curiosity.   

Can I ask the same question more than once?
 Yes, if you are not satisfied with the responses you receive from other users, you can ask the same question again in the hope of getting a better answer. However, we strongly advise you not to repeat your questions if the first one is still active. We are rather you reformulated your question based on the answers you have already received in order to find a better response. Otherwise, you risk your questions being reported as spam if they are posted in exactly the same wording very soon one after the other.  

I know a lot about this topic, and I really want to help. Is there a limit to the number of answers that I can give?
 There is no limit to how many answers a community member can post to an individual question. Every answer you post will be evaluated and is required to follow our guidelines - being helpful, relevant, and useful to our community. Therefore, please only post additional answers if they add value and give new and important information to the original question.  

My question has been put ‘on hold’. What does that mean?
Questions that are not clear or not a good fit (according to our guidelines) for this site may be put ‘on hold’ by experienced community members who have been given additional user permissions to do so. If you have a question with an ‘on hold’, it cannot be answered by the community members, but you can still edit it. We encourage you to do so in order to make your ‘on hold’ question eligible for reopening. 

Do you verify the answers provided by community users?
 We verify the relevance of each question and answer in relation to the subject of travel. If any content is reported for not being travel-related, we will remove it. However, we do not customarily verify the accuracy of the answers provided neither we check if the information given in them might be misleading. We rely on our community, in particular our experts, to report such cases and we will act based on those reports to deactivate the content if necessary.

What does it mean when I receive a message that my question does not meet standards?
If your question has not been formulated in a clear and concise manner or if it violates our guidelines, it might be rejected. In all such cases, you will receive a message that your question does not meet our standards. Please re-word and re-submit your question by adhering to our terms of use and forum guidelines.    

Can you give me any tips on how to ask my question in order to get relevant and informative answers?
Our advice is to be as specific as possible when you ask our question. It’s good practice to write a short heading (e.g., ‘Child-friendly activities in San Francisco’) and then add a paragraph or two with more background info (e.g., ‘We are planning a family trip to San Francisco in August with our 7 and 10-year-old daughters.  They are very keen on outdoor activities so can you please recommend some day trips or other child-friendly and age-appropriate things to do in San Francisco and the Bay Area in the second week of August.’) Adding a featured image or video might help with a better response rate.  

Can I post my travel experiences, stories, and short form articles on this forum
The Tralonet forum is all about providing valuable content to our audiences. If you have an experience that is relevant to the topic and you believe it can provide values and help our visitors learn and be better prepared about the next adventure, we highly encourage you to share it our community. Please provide as many details as possible; include images, and any illustration.  Such as location pictures, events images, etc... and any other resources that might be helpful.


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